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Welcome to The Data Science Lens! Making data science accessible and understandable.
I write about everything from my experience with mental illness to politics to philosophy. Much of my so-called "wisdom" is from Tumblr dot com. He/him/his.
Incarcerated writer sharing real stories about life on the inside, through my wife, Demeter Delune (editor, publisher, promoter, responder)
“There are two ways of rejecting the revolution. The first is to refuse to see it where it exists; the second is to see it where it manifestly will not occur.”
Treading that fine line of common sense.
Political journalist. The first openly trans Capitol Hill reporter in US history. Writing about more than just trans issues. Follow her on Twitter @transscribe
Writer, mother, and daughter of a famous dead guy. Still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, but I hear growing up is overrated.
I talk about religion, sex, emotions, and life. Whatever I happen to be thinking about that I think might be interesting. Top Writer in multiple categories.
Friend of Medium
I mostly write for me and on the off chance that someone can gain something from my thoughts I publish them here.
The Medium Blog
The Data Science Lens
Matthew Maniaci
Damian Delune
See all (30)
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